Thursday, April 29, 2010

Winter Wonderland Wishlist

After two days of rain I've resigned myself to the fact that summer is finally over.  Less daylight, horizontal rain, damp chucks after walking across the football field.

Winter, however, means  mulled wine in small bars, electric blankets left on three all night, flannelet everything, slow cooker casseroles and sitting in front of the fire at my parents eating apple crumble and ice cream. 

Attire wise, winter is a damn good excuse to don one's opaque tights every day (70 denier just doesn't work on a sunny day), chunky scarfs all up in your face, cold ears kept warm by beanies crocheted by your mum, and my absolute favourite, MITTENS.

I wish that all of these were mine,
as then I'd be looking mighty fine. 

Twenty Seven Names

Juliette Hogan

Karen Walker

Lonely Hearts

Nom D

Stolen Girlfriends Club

Sophie Burrows

Karen Walker Eyewear

Yeah, so there's not much sun.  Meh.  They're just too beautiful to not want. 

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